What we do
This is a sneak peek of what we do. We have years of experience in all these fields and we are always curious to discover new things and take on new challenges!
If you are in love with picture books as we are, this is a selection of our works right for you.
Here you are going to find some samples of our works on classics tales for the little ones such as Hansel and Gretel, Sherlock Holmes, the Wizard of Oz ,novels and young adult fiction books for like the tales of Emily Windsnap.
These books show that you can improve learning skills just while playing.
Our works includes a wide diversity of artworks in terms of settings, themes and characters:
you can learn having fun with unicorns and fairies or improve your knowledge about animals and their poop!
You can discover here some of our illustrations for commissioned interactive books: a whole book can be a gameboard or you can go through the sea wonders just using your phone app.
Going trhough this gallery you can have a look to some of our artworks aimed to be puzzles and games, we illustrated with love.
From great greek philosophers as Socrates to the newest space technology, these books help in enriching didactics in schools and improving student’s knowledge.
We too learned more about a lot of things while illustrating these books.
From picture to activity books, here we are proud to show a selection of our works as a team.